Do you live in Fort Worth, Texas and want to get your License to Carry?
Our online Fort Worth LTC Class is now available for residents of Fort Worth, Texas. The coursework can be done on your computer, tablet or smartphone and does not require any installation onto mobile devices! You will learn about Texas’ open carry laws as well concealed handgun license requirements to legally purchase a firearm with no restrictions and carry across the state – including places like bars & restaurants where guns are typically prohibited by local regulations.
Join the ranks of thousands of Fort Worth residents and get your license to carry (Our Students). The online LTC course is easy, approved by DPS statewide- you can take it 24/7 on all devices including your smartphone!
Shooting Range Portion
The local instructor will complete the range portion for you, so all that’s left to do is download our online course and take it from there! Once completed the course you will be able to immediately download your certificate (LTC101) and take it to a local Range.
Fort Worth LTC Class (License to Carry)
Carrying a gun in Texas is an exciting and empowering experience. Take your life and defense into your own hands. If you want the freedom to go anywhere, anytime without worrying about restrictions or extra penalties then get your license to carry today!
Texas LTC State License Fee
The Texas LTC class is a great way to get your license and start carrying the firearm that suits you best. You’ll apply online, pay an applicable fee (which changes depending on which type of applicant you are), then receive your permit in mail within about 60 business days!
- Standard $40
- Active Duty Military $0
- Veteran $25
- State Correctional Officer $0
- County Jailer $0
The above fees are separate from your class fee and are payed directly to the State for a 5 year LTC.
Servicing Fort Worth Zip Codes
76008, 76036, 76101, 76102, 76103, 76104, 76105, 76106, 76107, 76108, 76109, 76110, 76111, 76112, 76113, 76114, 76115, 76116, 76117, 76118, 76119, 76120, 76121, 76122, 76123, 76124, 76126, 76127, 76129, 76130, 76131, 76132, 76133, 76134, 76135, 76136, 76137, 76140, 76147, 76148, 76150, 76155, 76161, 76162, 76163, 76164, 76166, 76177, 76179, 76180, 76181, 76182, 76185, 76190, 76191, 76192, 76193, 76195, 76196, 76197, 76198, 76199, 76244