It has never been easier to get your License to Carry like it is now.
Say goodbye to the old days when you have to drive yourself to all of those classes.
No more physical classes, no need to go all the way to attend physical training sessions and use so much of your invaluable time.
Our 100% DPS Approved Texas LTC Online Class is now available.
Look no further…
You can attend our Texas LTC Online course from the comfort of your own home.
It covers everything you need to know, from shooting basics to laws and regulations to keep in mind, to how to handle, store, and use your firearm in the best fashion to make it last.
All you need is a stable internet connection, and a little bit of your time and that’s it.
You might also be wondering why I would need to get a License to Carry when Governor Abbott passed the Constitutional Carry law last September in 2021.
Well, there are many reasons why…
Read further along to find out why you need to get your License to Carry.
Why get an License to Carry when Constitutional Carry is passed
Well, there are many reasons why you should consider getting your License to Carry even though the State of Texas allows you to carry firearms permit-less.
The most notable reason why to get your License to Carry is that you will get exclusive rights under the law that a permit-less person can never get.
What do I mean by exclusive rights?
Well, because you have obtained your License to Carry, you are now in official records. You have been approved by the government essentially to carry that firearm.
That means you are fully capable of handling it.
As a result, you can carry publicly or concealed practically anywhere and everywhere with little to no obstacles (except in restricted areas, read further below)
If by chance you are stopped by law enforcement, you are quite protected as you have a physical license stating you are by law allowed to have this. Making an unexpected pullover much smoother.
Another reason you should consider getting your License to Carry online is that you will learn so much about all things related to your firearm.
Gun laws change quite frequently, so staying up to date is essential if you don’t want to fall into trouble later on.
By getting a Texas LTC online, you will learn the different laws and regulations revolving around guns in the state of Texas.
You will learn how to properly handle, use and store your firearm as this will help keep you safe as well as others.
Lastly, it will let you enjoy your firearm with near free will.
You will know all there is to it and you will be able to make it last longer.
These are just a few reasons why you should get your Texas LTC online.
Requirements to get License to Carry
Under Texas law, you can legally carry both concealed and openly without any problems.
However, in order to get your License to Carry, you have to first qualify for it and pass both an exam in gun laws and regulations as well as a live-fire shooting exam with an instructor.
For the exam on gun laws and regulations, this can be taken online and in person.
However, if you take the Texas LTC online, you will deal with little to no paperwork saving you some more time.
As per the gun laws governing the state of Texas, these are just general requirements you must qualify:
- You must be at least 21 years of age in order to part take in the live-fire shooting test.
- You must pass a mandatory background check in order to determine if you are all good for a firearm. (Recent Criminal and certain overdue payments to the government may result in a background check failing, Check DPS for more specific details)
- You must pass both the gun laws and regulation exam as well as the live-fire test with an instructor present (Note: Both must be completed, not one or the other in order to qualify for a License to Carry)
- You must be determined mentally competent, having the ability to make clear, sound judgment
- Your criminal history should be clean of any felonies or other crimes (See the DPS website for more specific details)
These are just the overhead general rules for anyone in the state of Texas to even qualify for applying to get a License to Carry.
There are more specific rules and special situations when trying to get your Texas LTC online.
One should also take into consideration that even though having a License to Carry enables them to travel without many restrictions, there will always be places where you can never carry concealed or openly, regardless of if you have a License to Carry or not.
They include but are not limited to:
- Any place of schooling or education (e.g., University, school grounds, etc. )
- Any sporting event or game (Applies to all: Professional, Local, inter-scholastic, etc.)
- Any business that receives 51% or more of their income from alcohol (e.g., restaurant bars, liquor stores, etc.)
- Any place or institution of healthcare (e.g., hospital, nursing home, etc.)
- Any area of polling during an election period
- Any court building or offices pertaining to the government
- Any religious place of worship or institution (e.g., Mosque, Church, etc.)
- Any Federal property
- An institution that holds criminals (e.g., Prison, detention center)
- Any area in which you are under the influence of an intoxicant that disrupts your mental, cognitive, and judgment ability. (e.g., Alcohol)
- When involved with a gang or in illegal activity
- In an area where a death sentence of a criminal is taking place
- Any racetracks
Online Texas LTC - License to Carry:
Starting on your License to Carry online today can save many hassles in the future.
You will learn invaluable training tips and things to consider, all in the comfort of your own home.
Carrying a firearm without a permit under certain regulations is possible in the state of Texas but going that extra mile to get a License to Carry is all the better.
A small investment of your time today can help you overcome many hurdles you may face having your firearm both in and out of the state tomorrow.
Texas License to Carry Class
The Texas License to Carry Online Class is the perfect way to earn your permit to carry a concealed weapon in Texas. This comprehensive online course covers all the topics required by the State of Texas.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: Conceal Carry Academy
Course Provider URL: