Do you live in Corpus Christi, Texas or surrounding area and Looking for Concealed Carry Classes in Corpus Christi Texas?
You can now get your concealed handgun license in Corpus Christi, Texas with just an internet connection and a device! Conceal Carry Academy provides the best online training solution that will teach you everything you need to know to get your Texas License to Carry – Texas Concealed Carry. With video lessons available anytime at home through convenient features such Save progress so there’s no need wasting time looking for last lesson watched clip – everything is saved automatically.
If you are thinking about getting your Texas LTC (Formally Texas Concealed Carry), then it’s time to apply for a handgun license in Corpus Christi. With this, not only will be able carry legally across 37 other states but also have all sorts of additional benefits!
The Texas License to Carry is a necessary accessory for those who want the freedom and convenience of being able to conceal their gun. This allows holders interaction with law enforcement very easily, while also providing many other protections.
If you are looking to become a concealed carry holder in Texas, then it’s important that the coursework for this is comprehensive and offers authentic training. We at The Conceal Academy offer just such an opportunity with our online courses approved by DPS as well!
The shooting portion of the Corpus Christi Texas LTC
After completing this class, you can download your certificate immediately- just take it to a local instructor for the range portion!
Some people are exempt from the shooting portion and all they are ready to apply immediately after completing our online license to carry class. You can check out our extensive FAQs page or Contact Us for more info.
Texas LTC State License Fee
Apply for your Texas LTC today! With the application and payment of a small fee, you can have peace of mind that comes with having an approved license to carry. Texas DPS issues out licenses within about 60 days.
Standard $40
Active Duty Military $0
Veteran $25
State Correctional Officer $0
County Jailer $0
The above fees are separate from your class fee and are payed directly to the State for a 5 year LTC.