Texas Online Concealed Carry Class

Leading DPS Approved Texas Online Concealed Carry Class


Getting a License to Carry has never been easier.

The Texas Online Concealed Carry Class is a great way to get your Texas License to Carry.

Online Concealed Carry classes are easier to do and save loads of time compared to a traditional in-person LTC class. 

Before Online Conceal Classes were permitted by Texas DPS, traditionally, you would have to go attend a 6-hour class and then take an exam.

After passing that exam, you would then need to go and pass a shooting test, and then file for paperwork.

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For a More In-Depth Explanation of the Step by Step Visit:

Steps to Get Your Texas LTC CHL

Doing a class for 6 hours in one sitting can be quite difficult for many as they may not have the time or be able to concentrate for that long which is understandable.

With a Texas Online Concealed Carry Class, you are no longer required to do the whole class portion in one sitting. 

The Texas Online Concealed Carry Class is done through video modules and lessons which are typically 15-20 minutes each and the best part is, you don’t have to watch all the videos in one go.

Instead, you can do it in parts and after each module is done, your progress is saved and you can pick up where you left off later.

This is helpful as you can do a little bit every day and it won’t take too much time out of your day.

Another benefit that comes with an LTC online class is that you can take it from the comfort of your home.

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You do not need to travel anywhere whatsoever, and this further saves you time and makes the training more relaxing and less stressful to do. Complete it all from the comfort of your home if you like.

So now you have taken the Texas Online Concealed Carry Class So Who qualifies?

In order to take the class, one must reach certain requirements first to be allowed.

The main qualifications are that the applicant must be:

  • Be at least 21 years old by the time you apply (18 if you’re Active Duty Military)
  • Fully qualify under both state and federal law to possess a handgun (Reference DPS website for more detail)
  • Never have been convicted of a felony
  • Not be a fugitive of law for either a felony, Class A or B misdemeanor.
  • Be a legal resident of Texas for 6 months before the application or meet special eligibility (Non-Resident can apply under Non-Resident)

***Note: Not everyone requires a permit, permit-less carry is allowed as of September 1, 2021***

  • Not be chemically dependent, such as on a substance physically.
  • Have been deemed with the ability to exercise sound judgment regarding the proper handling of a firearm.

These are just the major qualifications that a potential candidate must pass first. Visit the DPS website for more detailed information.

What does the Texas Online Concealed Carry Class looks like?

The training starts with the online classroom portion which is divided into video modules and lessons spanning 4-hours which you can watch at your own pace.

Next, you will have to complete a range familiarization qualification with a local LTC instructor.

Once you pass the shooting test, you will then need a fingerprint appointment and just submit all the paperwork at this point.

It takes about 8 weeks for Texas DPS to process everything.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Arnab

    This is a great blog and a great content. The information you gave us are really useful. Thank you for the blog.

  2. Javier Rivas

    Excellent information friend, you help me a lot, thanks for your contribution, I will continue visiting your page to see more of your experience and learn more every day.!! Greetings and success.

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